
Unlimited $75 per month

  • Includes unlimited daily admission during open play hours,

  • Unlimited weekly visits.

  • 2 adults included per visit.

  • 1 bring-a-friend for free pass per month.

  • Additional sibling membership, $40/each.

Explorer $45 per month

  • Unlimited admission during open play hours, 2x per week.

  • 1 adult included per visit.

  • Additional sibling membership, $20/each.

Inquire in person to enroll in sibling memberships.


  • Membership will auto renew each month until canceled or paused.
  • Notice to cancel may be in person, over the phone, or via email to 
  • Notification to cancel must be received 2 days before the next billing date to guarantee cancellation request is received and processed before payment processing.
  • Sibling memberships only add one sibling. Additional adults will cost $5 per visit.
  • Visits must be used during active membership dates. We don’t roll over any missed visits or let you make up visits once the membership month has ended.